Matt Herrman
Alisha Steindecker
Forbes Media
I had the opportunity to join forces with Forbes and create a bunch of illustrations to promote the revamp of their membership plans. The new model focuses on adapting the content for each user’s preferences.
With the illustrations I had to portray characters of the key target groups and bring to life the different content categories.
Mood board and references
Mood board and references
The Forbes brand has a rather sophisticated and clean look and that was something we wanted to apply to the illustrations as well. It was important to find the right balance and escape the blandness of overly minimalist characters, we’re used to seeing in a lot of digital products. The metaphors had to be straightforward and easy to read.
The team provided a bunch of different references on both - styles that fit and styles that were too playful.
Concept sketches, characters and colors
Concept sketches and characters
Once we were clear on the goals, I got my hands on the concept sketches. I based the characters on the three personas described in the brief - Sarah, Bill and Pete. Each of them had different interests that had to be depict in the illustrations - investing, journalism and blockchain.
A simple color palette with Forbes’ signature red as an accent made the final illustrations flexible and easy to adapt for different designs. Converting black lines and shapes to white ones worked great for dark backgrounds, which often appear in Forbes’ marketing collateral.
Empowering people to crush their financial goals
Empowering people to crush their financial goals
Let’s chat on illustration process, the wisdom of animated movies or the pros and cons of social media.
If you're looking to join forces with an illustrator, I'd be happy to hear more about your goals.